Annie's List of Spiritual Pages

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Annie's Spiritual Pages:

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Now you can come here each Morning and Evening to see the current daily
devotionals by C.H. Spurgeon who was one of our great Christian writers!
Annie's "Daily Spurgeon Devotionals" Page

Annie's Armor of God Page - We are in a Spiritual Battle so you will need to
learn the weapons that the Lord has given you to WIN that War.
Begin the Day Page - I made this page because I wanted a spot to find all the
Christian resources in one place. My "Begin" page has links to these pages:
Devotionals, Christian News, Christian Magazines, the Lighter Side and more.
Bee an Internet Missionary Page ~ What an opportunity we have as Christians
to share our faith with a web page or even just an email...check it out.
Annie's Bible Study Reference Page - Here you will find on-line Bible Study
References and Resources. Don't throw your Bible away yet. Studying on-line
really is quick and effortless with these wonderful tools.
Annie's Bird Page - Questions and Answers about Birds. See what the Bible
says about Birds too.
Jake's "Cat" Page - Find out what the Bible says about Cats.
Annie's Chinese New Year Page - Links to Chinese Christian & Missionary pages.
Chinese Bible and Devotional links too. "As Christians we should never forget
the "Great Commission" that Jesus gave us. We are to "go into ALL the world"
and share the Gospel with "everyone". We are not to be ashamed. We are to
be obedient and faithful. The Lord will arrange the divine appointments for
you. You just need to be willing to follow..........."
Christian Magazines - List of Christian Magazine Site Links.
Christian Search - List of Christian Search links and some on the page
Devotionals - List of Christian Devotional links
Annie's "Easter Jelly Bean Prayer" Page - A great way to share the gospel
with everyone at Easter.
Annie's "Easter Story Eggs" Page - A wonderful creative way to teach your
children about the REAL meaning of Easter.
Annie's "End Times Welcome" Page - is an index now of all my End
Times related pages.
Annie's End Times Page - If the RAPTURE happened today would you be left
behind? Learn what the Bible says about the End Times instead of what you
THINK it says.
Annie's Feasts of the Bible Page - The Annual Holy Days can be divided into
two main groups, Spring, and Fall, which are separated by a period of time.
Jesus fulfilled the first part of God's feasts. Learn what the Bible says
about the Feasts on this page.
Annie's Flowers and their Meanings Page - See what the Bible says about
Annie's Friendship in the Bible Page - Learn what the Bible say about
Annie's Ground Hog Day Page - This page is subtitled "Do you know the Signs
of the Times?" Learn what Jesus said about waiting and watching for His
Annie's Home Decorating Ideas Page - A Christian perspective on home and
Annie's "I Prayed for You Today" Page - Send this page to the people you are
praying for.
Annie's "Jesus-Messiah the Fulfillment of Prophecy" Page
Annie's "Lovely Christian Ladies" Page - Visit to find out what a "Lovely
Christian Lady" is all about. If you haven't read this page, it is where the
"Lovely Christian Ladies" pages all this started.
Annie's More Lovely Christian Ladies Page - This is the main page for the
Lovely Christian Ladies Links where you should come back to on a regular basis
for features, webrings, things & resources.
Annie's New Year Page - Curious about the Jubilee Year? I have a section
about it here.
Annie's Noah's Ark Page - Learn about Noah's Ark. Great for a Unit study.
Annie's "Scripture Cake" Page - A recipe for a real cake using Bible Verses to
help find the ingredients. Fun for you or for the family to do together.
Annie's "Signs in the Sky" Page - Did you know that before the Lord's mighty
return there will be definite signs in the heavens?
Annie's Super Bowl Page - Links to Superbowl, Sports & Christian Sports
Ministries - "As a Christian, every part of our life should reflect the light
from our relationship with the Lord and leave a shadow. You don't have to be a
Pastor or Missionary to share your faith with others. Use the game as an
opportunity to fellowship with church members or neighbors. Sports can be a
wonderful opportunity to share your faith with others. If you are with
believers then you can share what the Lord is doing in your life and answers to
Annie's The Lighter Side - List of Christian Humor links.
Annie's Verse A Day Page - This page is an index to all my "Verse A Day"
pages. On each of the individual "Verse A Day" pages you will find a Bible
verse for each day of the month.
Annie's "What the Bible says about Prayer" Page - learn what the Bible has to
Annie's What the Bible says about the Middle East Situation Page
Annie's "Why do you have pages about Jewish Feasts?" Page
Annie's "Do You Know What Time It Is?" Page - The Lord promised to return!
Are you ready?
Annie's "Mark of the Beast" Page - It is very important that you do NOT
accept the
Mark of the Beast on your forehead or right hand.
Annie's "Weekly Memory Verse" Page - A Weekly Memory Verse changed
each Wednesday
Annie's "What Tool is in Your Hand?" Page - Are you letting the Lord use you?

Newer Pages:
Annie's "The Lord is my Shepherd" Page - This is the Psalm of Comfort
Annie's "A Psalm for Each Day" Page - Start your day in God's Word!!!
Annie's Cruise Control Page
Annie's Colors of the Middle East Page - has flags and information from the
Bible about the numbers, countries and colors too.
Annie's Fear Page - Are you afraid? There are some links and ideas on this
page that might just help you. Done with a halloween theme.
Annie's "Is It Really the End Times?" Page - So much is going on in the world
it seems hard to keep up with it. Did you know that there is Bible Prophecy
being fulfilled faster then years gone by??? Is it the End Times? Well let's
look at the news and see what is going on right now. Then you can decide
what you do with this new information!!
Annie's "Are You a Weathered Sailor?" Page
Annie's "Necessary Depression" Page
Annie's "Strength at the Broken Places" Page - It's another devotional that I
read and that really blessed me.
Annie's "How to Help Others who are Grieving" Page
Annie's "How to Cope with Grief Suggestions" Page

The NEWEST Pages:
Annie's "Praying Mantis & Me" Page
Denise was kind enough to translate my new BUG page to Dutch:
Annie's "Bidsprinkhaan & Ik" Pagina
Lita took the time to translate the new page into Spanish for me!
A la Página de "Oración de Mantis y Yo" Annie

Annie's Other Related Index Pages:
Annie's List of Encouragement Pages
Annie's List of Email Encouragers Pages
Annie's List of Computer & HTML Help Pages
Annie's List of Other Pages
Annie's List of Holiday Pages
Annie's List of Foreign Languages Pages
Annie's List of Card Pages
Annie's List of News Pages
Annie's List of Feasts of the Bible Pages

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Have a "Happy Everything"!
Annie's Holiday Page

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Email Annie Page

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graphic artists without them these pages would not be the same. Please visit
Annie's List of Great Graphics Spots for a list of their links. Some Graphics on
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Graphic Garden & Cute Countryside Graphics.
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right click script visit:
Annie's "How to Add Silent No Right Click Script" Page.
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For a Listing of the Rest of my Pages:
Click here to go to "Annie's Directions to My House" my index page.