Annie's "Cruise Control" Page

"A man's heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps."
~Proverbs 16:9~

Based on the August 3rd Devotional from:
"Strength For Today - Daily Devotionals for the Chronically Ill"
by Sharon Broyles

NOTE: I read this devotional and it blessed me so much that I wanted to share it with
you. I just loved the concept of comparing our life to the "cruise control" on your car. I
don't know about you but it is so easy in life to just go along and do what we "THINK"
the Lord wants us to do. Then afterwards we say "Lord PLEASE bless this".

I heard a great quote in the Sunday sermon at First Baptist Church that was televised on
Sunday September 30, 2001. The guest speaker said: In
Proverbs 3:5-6 (which happens to
be my favorite Bible verse) it tells us to "Trust the Lord" it doesn't say "to figure it out
by yourself". Isn't that great? So often we think that "WE" know what is best and forget
that the Lord has it all figured out yet He doesn't even NEED our HELP. Course that
doesn't mean that He won't use us or our life to fulfill His plan and His purpose.

As Christian's we know that we are suppose to TRUST in the LORD. Unfortunately we are
not taught "the rest of the story". TRUSTING the Lord is NOT ENOUGH!!!!!!! For if we
say we TRUST the Lord and go right ahead doing what we THINK He wants us to do we
are not really trusting Him. The key to trusting the Lord is WAITING for HIM. That is
the hard part of the Christian life but one of the most important aspects. Waiting on
anything is never easy. Waiting on the Lord and listening for that "still small voice"
is paramount.

So as you read this devotional please remember to not only TRUST the LORD but to "wait
patiently" for Him. For He "will instruct you and teach you in the way which though shalt
go. He will guide thee with His eye". Today remember to TRUST in the Lord and WAIT
patiently on Him too.

Thank you Jake for doing the typing for me!!!!
Hope you all are also blessed by reading this too.

Here is the August 3rd Devotional:

"Nothing in the excitement of getting a new car equaled the thrill of cruise control.
Just a push of a button and I'm off at a uniform, uninterrupted speed. What a feeling
of control as I cruise past all those other cars. "Get out of my way," I silently command.
"Don't slow me down with your penchant for a leisurely ride along the scenic route." And
never mind the roadside placard that suggests an interesting side trip or the passenger who
is hungry or needs a bathroom break.

More often than not, whether I always realize it or not, I run my life the same way.
I set my own course and take off. God Himself had better not try to slow me down with
relevant facts or painful circumstances.

Illness can be viewed as a side trip on life's journey-a side trip that might include friends
I wouldn't have made except for my Illness or the opportunity to branch out into new and
challenging directions or a chance to share my life with others in a way I never would
have imagined.

Lord, You alone are God. Today, I will turn off my life control and let You determine my
steps. Thank You for redirecting my course and showing me the detours that make the trip
worth taking. Help me to see the value in this side trip of chronic illness."

Other Related Pages:
Jennifer's Waiting on the Lord Devotional Page
Waiting in Expectation from House2House Ministries

Related Pages by Annie:
Annie's List of Encouragement Pages
Annie's List of Spiritual Pages
Annie's Bible Study Reference Page - links to great online resources to help you
Annie's "Daily Spurgeon Devotionals" Page
Annie's Devotionals Page - links to great online devotional sites
For all my Monthly Pages visit:
Annie's "Verse A Day" Page

"......and thou shalt know that I am the LORD: for they shall not
be ashamed that wait for me."
~Isaiah 49:23b~

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