Annie's "Month
of September" Page
"Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman
that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly
dividing the word of truth"
2 Timothy 2:15~KJV
It's already September!!!
Fall is almost here. The birds will soon fly south for
the winter. Time to put up those bird feeders if you live down
south that is. The children will go "Back
to School". Families will take that last
weekend get-away before the cold sets in. Labor
weekend vacation is that last cook out. September is time to put
away those "white shoes". Thanksgiving will be here before you
know it. So put those summer clothes in the back of the closet
and pull out your favorite sweater and sweats.
Summer will be over soon. Actually it will be Autumn or Fall on September 22nd 2010
Christian & Family Related
Events in September:
September 22nd, 2010: See
You at the Pole - The annual event where middle
junior high, and high school students across the country gather
around their school
flagpolls to pray for their schools, fellow students and
Takes place the fourth Wednesday in September each year!
September 19th - 25th, 2010: "Scriptures In Schools
or SISW -- A Plan to
Return the Bible to America's Public Schools & Restore
Biblical Literacy to America's
Children. They want each Child to bring a Bible to School that
"Scriptures In Schools Week" is the last full week in
September is Pain Awareness
Dealing with Chronic Pain & Illness? Visit: Annie's
Chronic Pain Page
September has 30 days; seventh month
of early Roman republican calendar,
from Latin septem, or seven.
September is the ninth month of the
year, according to the Gregorian calendar, which is used in
all the world today. It was the seventh month in the old Roman
calendar, and its name comes from the Latin
septem, meaning seven. September later became the ninth month
when the ancient Romans moved
the beginning of their year from March 1 to January 1. September
has had 29 days, 31 days, and,
since the time of the Roman emperor Augustus, 30 days.
Activities - Summer ends and autumn
begins at the autumnal equinox, on September 22 or 23 in the
half of the world. September is one of the warmest months in the
Southern United States. States farther
north have hot days during September, but nights are likely to be
cool. September is harvesttime
for many crops. It was called the harvest month in Switzerland.
Special days - Labor
the only legal public holiday in September, comes on the first
Monday of the
month in Canada and the United States. After Labor
most children return to school.
Many peoples have celebrated harvest festivals in September. In
many European countries, the people held
feasts and games. In America, the Harvest Home supper celebrated
the end of harvest. The ancient
Greeks honored Demeter, the goddess of agriculture, during this
month, and the
ancient Romans honored their goddess of agriculture, whom they
called Ceres.
Five Jewish holidays are celebrated in September or early
October. They are
Rosh Ha-Shanah, or New Year; Tzom
Gedaliah, a fast day; Yom Kippur, the Day of
Atonement; Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernacles; and Simhat Torah, a day
of rejoicing.
Hindus begin the 10-day celebration of Durga Puja, or the
Festival of the Divine Mother,
in September.
Citizenship Day and Constitution Day are observed in the United
States on September 17.
Mexicans and many Mexican Americans celebrate Mexico's
Independence Days on
September 15 and 16.
September Symbols - September's flower is
the morning-glory. Sapphire is the gem.
Quotations |
morrow was a bright September morn; |
after the death of the flowers, |
all these lovely tokens |
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
1 First Day of Spring in Australia and New Zealand |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 Brazil's Independence Day - and another link |
8 |
9 The Feast of Trumpets & Rosh Hashanah* |
10 |
11 Remembering the Pain of September 11th! & Patriot Day |
12 |
13 13th - 19th, 2010 is National Invisible Chronic Illness Awareness Week |
14 |
15 National Hispanic Heritage Month (pr newswire link) |
16 Mayflower Day & Independence Day (Mexico) & National Step Family Day |
17 Citizenship Day |
18 Thank You Day |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 Jake's Birthday |
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
- First Monday in September. This celebration began with a labor
in New York City on Sept 5, 1882
*National Grandparents Day. First Sunday after Labor
*Native American Day. Fourth Friday in September. Formerly
American Indian Day.
*Harvest festivals are held throughout most of the nation. Some
communities honor special
crops with celebrations, such as the National Tobacco Festival at
Richmond, Va.,
in September or October.
*National School Bus Safety Week is in --September
*National Farm Safety Week is in --September
Five Jewish holidays are celebrated in September or early
October. They are Rosh Ha-Shanah, or New Year;
Tzom Gedaliah, a fast day; Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement;
Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernacles;
and Simhat Torah, a day of rejoicing.
Rosh Hashana (New Year). September or
Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement). Eight
days after Rosh Hashana.
Succoth, or Feast of Tabernacles. September or October.
Rosh Hashanah, Jewish New Year's Day
festival celebrated on the first or first
and second days of Tishri (September or October)
Jewish Calendar - Tishri. 30 days; Rosh
Hashanah and Yom Kippur fall during this month;
regarded as birth month of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob;
zodiacal sign is the scales, symbolizing the weighing
of one's deeds between New Year and Day of Atonement.
can learn all about the Jewish Feasts and their fulfillment on
this page:
Annie's Feasts of the Bible Page
Real Thanksgiving?? The date of the feast is
not known. Bradford wrote in his history
'Of Plimoth Plantation' that on September 18 some men set out in
a small boat for Massachusetts Bay
to trade with the Indians. The harvest was gathered after they
returned. The feast must have
occurred before December 11. It was described in a letter written
on that date by Edward Winslow.
Labor Day, a
holiday celebrated in most industrialized nations to honor
working men and women; devised mainly
by trade unions and Socialists and first celebrated May 1, 1889,
as sponsored by the Second Socialist
International; observed in U.S. on first Monday in September to
reject any identification with Socialists
or Communists; legalized by Congress June 28, 1894; now a general
holiday in
North America, while Europe still devotes it to working class.
earliest known record of a New Year festival dates from 2000 BC
in Mesopotamia. In Babylonia the
New Year began with the new moon closest to the spring equinox,
usually mid-March. In Assyria it was
near the autumnal equinox in September. For the Egyptians,
Phoenicians, and Persians the day was
celebrated on the autumnal equinox, which now falls on about
September 23. For the Greeks it was the
winter solstice, which now falls on about December 21 or 22.
During the early Roman republic
March 1 began a new year, but after 153 BC the date was January
1. This date was kept
by the Julian calendar of 46 BC.
the early Middle Ages March 25 (the feast of the Annunciation)
was celebrated as New Year's Day.
January 1 was restored as New Year's Day by the Gregorian
calendar, which was adopted by the Roman
Catholic church in 1582. Over the next 350 years other countries
followed. Russia, in 1918, was
the last major nation to adopt the practice. In countries that
use the Julian calendar,
New Year's Day is on January 14 of the Gregorian calendar.
Rosh Hashana
The Jewish New Year, called Rosh Hashana, is sometimes called the
"feast of the trumpets." It starts
on the first day of the month of Tishri, which may begin any time
from September 6 to October 5.
The celebration lasts for 48 hours but ushers in a ten-day period
of penitence. The Chinese
New Year is celebrated wherever there are sizable Chinese
communities. The official celebration
lasts one month and begins in late January or early February.
There are outdoor
parades and fireworks to mark the occasion.
Japan the New Year festivities take place on January 1 to 3. In
some rural areas the time of
celebration corresponds more closely to the Chinese New Year, and
the dates vary between January 20
and February 19. The house entrance is hung with a rope made of
rice straw to keep out evil spirits.
Decorations of ferns, bitter orange, and lobster promise good
fortune, prosperity, and long life.
In South India the Tamil New Year is a religious celebration that
takes place on the
winter solstice. It is marked by pilgrimages to holy places and
the boiling of new rice.
American celebration of the New Year marks the end of the Christmas holiday period. Many
people go to church on New Year's Eve, and many attend
parties. Street celebrations in large
cities are televised. New Year's Day itself is often a time for
receiving guests at home.
Months, Weeks, and Days
The word
month is derived from the Old English word for moon. A month was
originally the time between
two new moons. Today astronomers refer to this period of time as
a lunar month. Its average length
is 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes, and 2.8 seconds. The moon
travels around the Earth in 27 days,
7 hours, 43 minutes, and 11.5 seconds. This is the sidereal
month. Calendar months usually
differ in length, and all except February are longer than 29 days
in order to accommodate
the solar year, which is almost 11 days longer than a lunar year.
names for the months in the present Gregorian calendar are taken
from the ancient Roman months
of the Julian calendar. January is derived from Janus, a
household god of beginnings. He was often
depicted facing in two directions. February was the time of a
feast of purification called Februa.
March was named after Mars, the god of war. April is of uncertain
origin. It may be named after
the Greek goddess Aphrodite. May is probably derived from the
goddess Maia. June was named
after the goddess Juno. July and August were named, respectively,
after Julius Caesar
and his successor, Augustus. The last four months got their names
from their original
numerical placement in the year. Septem,
for instance, is Latin for "seven."
seven-day week has no astronomical basis. It may well have
originated in the Middle East or in the Bible.
By the 3rd century AD, the Roman Empire was operating on a week
of the same length. The days
were named after the then known seven planets: Saturn, Jupiter,
Mars, the sun (not distinguished from
a planet at the time), Venus, Mercury, and the moon (also
considered a planet). The names of days in Latin
countries still point to these origins, as do Sunday, Monday, and
Saturday in English. Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, and Friday, however, are named after the Scandinavian
gods Tiw, Woden, Thor, and Frigga.
here in the United States children return to school either the
end of August
or the first week of September.
Back to School Links: Annie's Back to School Page
What's happening in September?
Sports: Tennis is in focus in
September with the U.S. Open tennis finals, featuring the world's
best players.
Events: National Hispanic Heritage
Month starts in September in the United States.
Special days: Labor
is celebrated on the first Monday of September to honor all
working people.
In Australia, Labor Day is called Eight Hour Day.
Visit Barb's: Facts About The Month of September
someone a FREE Holiday Greeting From Annie's
Card Shop
Just click the scissors above for Annie's
September Cards Page
Annie's "September Verse of the
Day" Page
Annie's September Bible
Verses Page
Annie's September Holiday Page
Annie's September Cards Page
Don't Miss: Jake's September Puzzle
Annie's September Memory Verses Page
Annie's "September Events &
Dates" Page
Annie's "September Fun &
Free Stuff" Page
NEW - Annie's "A Psalm for
Each Day" Page ~For September 2010~
Annie's "Sample of Annie's
Desktop for September" Page
Annie's Month of September
Continue on to next Month: Annie's "Month of
October" Page
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