Jesus the Passover Lamb
is April 19th - April 26th, 2011~
~Passover actually begins at sundown on the April 18th and ends
at sunset on the April 26th~
"Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin
of the world."
John 1:29
So you are probably
asking..........Why do you have a Passover Page?
Aren't you a Christian?
I am a Christian, who believes in the infallible Word of God. I
believe that God has given us the Bible, Old
and New Testament to study and learn from. There is so much to
learn from and about in the Bible. God has
ordained seven feasts/festivals for His chosen people to partake
of. But many people today have not studied the
Old and New Testament and miss so much of what the Lord has to
teach us.
The lamb is a particularly
important Easter symbol in central and eastern European
countries. It represents Jesus
and relates His death to that of the lamb sacrificed on the first
Passover. Christians traditionally refer to Jesus
as "the Lamb of God." Many people serve lamb as
part of the Easter feast. In many homes, a lamb-shaped cake
decorates the table. Many Eastern Orthodox Christians hang
pictures of the Easter lamb in their homes.
~From World Book Encyclopedia~
Easton's Bible Dictionary - Lamb
(1.) Heb. kebes, a male lamb from the first to the third year. Offered daily at the morning and
the evening sacrifice (Ex. 29:38-42), on the Sabbath day (Num. 28:9), at the feast of the New
Moon (28:11), of Trumpets (29:2), of Tabernacles (13-40), of Pentecost (Lev. 23:18-20), and of
the Passover (Ex. 12:5), and on many other occasions (1 Chr. 29:21; 2 Chr. 29:21; Lev. 9:3;
14:10-25).(2.) Heb. taleh, a young sucking lamb (1 Sam. 7:9; Isa. 65:25). In the symbolical language of
Scripture the lamb is the type of meekness and innocence (Isa. 11:6; 65:25; Luke 10:3; John
21:15).The lamb was a symbol of Christ (Gen. 4:4; Ex. 12:3; 29:38; Isa. 16:1; 53:7; John 1:36; Rev.
13:8).Christ is called the Lamb of God (John 1:29, 36), as the great sacrifice of which the former
sacrifices were only types (Num. 6:12; Lev. 14:12-17; Isa. 53:7; 1 Cor. 5:7).
Lets turn to the Word of God and learn from it what the Lord wants to show us.
53:7 "He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open
his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the
and as a sheep before her shearers is silent, so he did not open
his mouth."
Corinthians 5: 7-8 "Get rid of the old yeast that you may be
a new batch without yeast--as you really are. For
Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed. Therefore let us keep the
Festival, not with the old yeast, the
yeast of malice and wickedness, but with bread without yeast, the
bread of sincerity and truth."
Read: Mark 14
1:29 "The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and
said, "Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away
the sin of the world!"
Peter 1: 18-25 "For you know that it was not with
perishable things such as silver or gold that you were
redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your
forefathers, but with the precious blood of
Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect. He was chosen before the
creation of the world, but was revealed in
these last times for your sake. Through him you believe in God,
who raised him from the dead and glorified him,
and so your faith and hope are in God. Now that you have purified
yourselves by obeying the truth so that you
have sincere love for your brothers, love one another deeply,
from the heart. For you have been born again, not
of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and
enduring word of God. For, "All men are like
grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the
grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of
the Lord stands forever." And this is the word that was
preached to you."
5:6 "Then I saw a Lamb, looking as if it had
been slain,
standing in the center of the throne, encircled by
the four living creatures and the elders. He had seven horns and
seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God
sent out into all the earth."
5:12 ~ In a loud voice they sang: "Worthy
is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and
wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!"
Rev 5:13 Then I heard every creature
in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and
all that is
in them, singing: "To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb
be praise and honor and glory and power, for
ever and ever!"
In the Old
Testament at the First Passover to protect the first born son of
each Jewish family they had to put
the blood of an unblemished lamb over their door. This would
protect them from the angel of death that was sent
to Egypt.
Now when I was
studying this I realized that Jesus was the First Born Son of
God. His blood was shed for us. So
God did not spare or protect His first Born Son but spared us by
having Jesus BE the pure sacrificial Lamb and
our Passover Lamb. "Behold the Lamb of God who takes away
the sins of the World"
Did you know that four of the seven feasts were fulfilled in the first coming of the Lord Jesus Christ our Messiah?
Did you know that Jesus and His disciples took part in the Passover when He was here on the earth?
Did the early Christians celebrate Passover and or Easter? Should Christians celebrate Passover?
Did you know that Jesus took part in the Feast of Unleavened Bread this was the first communion?
Passover: 1. A holiday celebrated in
the spring to commemorate the exodus of the Jews from Egypt.
~From Encarta Dictionary~
word paschal comes from a Latin word that means "belonging
to Passover or to Easter." Formerly, Easter and
the Passover were closely associated. The resurrection of Jesus
took place during the Passover. Christians of the
Eastern church initially celebrated both holidays together. But
the Passover can fall on any day of the week, and
Christians of the Western church preferred to celebrate Easter on
Sunday--the day of the resurrection."
~Excerpted from Compton's Interactive
Encyclopedia .~
Exodus 12 - The Story of the First Passover
Passover (Pesach) March |
Remember Israel's deliverance and Exodus from Egypt |
and eating a lamb, together with bitter herbs and bread made without yeast, in every household |
Old Testament Ex
12:1-14; |
New Testament Mt 26:17;
Mk 14:12-26; Jn 2:13;11:55; |
Smith's Bible Dictionary
Pass'over -- the first of the three great annual festivals of the Israelites celebrated in the month
Nisan (March-April), from the 14th to the 21st. (Strictly speaking the Passover only applied to the
paschal supper and the feast of unleavened bread followed, which was celebrated to the 21st.) The
following are the principal passages in the Pentateuch relating to the Passover: Ex 12:1-51; Ex
13:3-10; Ex 23:14-19; Ex 34:18-26; Le 23:4-14; Nu 9:1-14; Nu 28:16-25; De 16:1-6;Why instituted -- This feast was instituted by God to commemorate the deliverance of the
Israelites from Egyptian bondage and the sparing of their firstborn when the destroying angel smote
the first-born of the Egyptians. The deliverance from Egypt was regarded as the starting-point of
the Hebrew nation. The Israelites were then raised from the condition of bondmen under a foreign
tyrant to that of a free people owing allegiance to no one but Jehovah. The Exodus was thus
looked upon as the birth of the nation; the Passover was its annual birthday feast. It was the
yearly memorial of the dedication of the people to him who had saved their first-born from the
destroyer, in order that they might be made holy to himself.First celebration of the Passover -- On the tenth day of the month, the head of each family was
to select from the flock either a lamb or a kid, a male of the first year, without blemish. If his
family was too small to eat the whole of the lamb, he was permitted to invite his nearest neighbor
to join the party. On the fourteenth day of the month he was to kill his lamb, while the sun was
setting. He was then to take blood in a basin and with a sprig of hyssop to sprinkle it on the two
side-posts and the lintel of the door of the house. The lamb was then thoroughly roasted, whole.
It was expressly forbidden that it should be boiled, or that a bone of it should be broken.
Unleavened bread and bitter herbs were to be eaten with the flesh. No male who was uncircumcised
was to join the company. Each one was to have his loins girt, to hold a staff in his hand, and to
have shoes on his feet. He was to eat in haste, and it would seem that he was to stand during the
meal. The number of the party was to be calculated as nearly as possible, so that all the flesh of
the lamb might be eaten; but if any portion of it happened to remain, it was to be burned in the
morning. No morsel of it was to be carried out of the house. The lambs were selected, on the
fourteenth they were slain and the blood sprinkled, and in the following evening, after the
fifteenth day of the month had commenced the first paschal meal was eaten. At midnight the
firstborn of the Egyptians were smitten. The king and his people were now urgent that the
Israelites should start immediately, and readily bestowed on them supplies for the journey. In such
haste did the Israelites depart, on that very day, Numbers 33:3; that they packed up their
kneading troughs containing the dough prepared for the morrow's provisions, which was not yet
leavened.Observance of the Passover in later times -- As the original institution of the Passover in Egypt
preceded the establishment of the priesthood and the regulation of the service of the tabernacle.
It necessarily fell short in several particulars of the observance of the festival according to the
fully-developed ceremonial law. The head of the family slew the lamb in his own house, not in the
holy place; the blood was sprinkled on the doorway, not on the altar. But when the law was
perfected, certain particulars were altered in order to assimilate the Passover to the accustomed
order of religious service. In the twelfth and thirteenth chapters of Exodus there are not only
distinct references to the observance of the festival in future ages (e.g.) Exodus 12:
2,14,17,24-27,42; Exodus 13:2,5,8-10; but there are several injunctions which were evidently not
intended for the first Passover, and which indeed could not possibly have been observed. Besides
the private family festival, there were public and national sacrifices offered each of the seven days
of unleavened bread. Nu 28:19; On the second day also the first-fruits of the barley harvest were
offered in the temple. Le 23:10; In the latter notices of the festival in the books of the law
there are particulars added which appear as modifications of the original institution. Le 23:10-14;
Nu 28:16-25; De 16:1-6; Hence it is not without reason that the Jewish writers have laid great
stress on the distinction between "the Egyptian Passover" and "the perpetual Passover."Mode and order of the paschal meal -- All work except that belonging to a few trades connected
with daily life was suspended for some hours before the evening of the 14th Nisan. It was not
lawful to eat any ordinary food after midday. No male was admitted to the table unless he was
circumcised, even if he were of the seed of Israel. Ex 12:48; It was customary for the number of
a party to be not less than ten. When the meal was prepared, the family was placed round the
table, the paterfamilias taking a place of honor, probably somewhat raised above the rest. When
the party was arranged the first cup of wine was filled, and a blessing was asked by the head of
the family on the feast, as well as a special, one on the cup. The bitter herbs were then placed on
the table, and a portion of them eaten, either with Or without the sauce. The unleavened bread
was handed round next and afterward the lamb was placed on the table in front of the head of the
family. The paschal lamb could be legally slain and the blood and fat offered only in the national
sanctuary. De 16:2; Before the lamb was eaten the second cup of wine was filled, and the son, in
accordance with Ex 12:26; asked his father the meaning of the feast. In reply, an account was
given of the sufferings of the Israelites in Egypt and of their deliverance, with a particular
explanation of De 26:5; and the first part of the Hallel (a contraction from Hallelujah), Psalm
113, 114, was sung. This being gone through, the lamb was carved and eaten. The third cup of
wine was poured out and drunk, and soon afterward the fourth. The second part of the Hallel,
Psalm 115 to 118 was then sung. A fifth wine-cup appears to have been occasionally produced, But
perhaps only in later times. What was termed the greater Hallel, Psalm 120 to 138 was sung on
such occasions. The Israelites who lived in the country appear to have been accommodated at the
feast by the inhabitants of Jerusalem in their houses, so far its there was room for them. Mt
26:18; Lu 22:10-12; Those who could not be received into the city encamped without the walls in
tents as the pilgrims now do at Mecca.The Passover as a type --The Passover was not only commemorative but also typical. "The
deliverance which it commemorated was a type of the great salvation it foretold." --No other
shadow of things to come contained in the law can vie with the festival of the Passover in
expressiveness and completeness. (1) The paschal lamb must of course be regarded as the leading
feature in the ceremonial of the festival. The lamb slain typified Christ the "Lamb of God." slain
for the sins of the world. Christ "our Passover is sacrificed for us."1 Corinthians 5:7 "Get rid of the old yeast that you may be a new batch without yeast--as you
really are. For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed."1 Cor 5:7; According to the divine purpose, the true Lamb of God was slain at nearly the same
time as "the Lord's Passover" at the same season of the year; and at the same time of the day as
the daily sacrifice at the temple, the crucifixion beginning at the hour of the morning sacrifice and
ending at the hour of the evening sacrifice. That the lamb was to be roasted and not boiled has
been supposed to commemorate the haste of the departure of the Israelites. It is not difficult to
determine the reason of the command "not a bone of him shall be broken." The lamb was to be a
symbol of unity--the unity of the family, the unity of the nation, the unity of God with his people
whom he had taken into covenant with himself. (2) The unleavened bread ranks next in importance
to the paschal lamb. We are warranted in concluding that unleavened bread had a peculiar
sacrificial character, according to the law. It seems more reasonable to accept St, Paul's reference
to the subject, 1 Cor 5:6-8; as furnishing the true meaning of the symbol. Fermentation is
decomposition, a dissolution of unity. The pure dry biscuit would be an apt emblem of unchanged
duration, and, in its freedom from foreign mixture, of purity also. (3) The offering of the omer or
first sheaf of the harvest, Lev 23:10-14; signified deliverance from winter the bondage of Egypt
being well considered as a winter in the history of the nation. (4) The consecration of the
first-fruits, the firstborn of the soil, is an easy type of the consecration of the first born of the
Israelites, and of our own best selves, to God. Further than this (1) the Passover is a type of
deliverance from the slavery of sin. (2) It is the passing over of the doom we deserve for your
sins, because the blood of Christ has been applied to us by faith. (3) The sprinkling of the blood
upon the door-posts was a symbol of open confession of our allegiance and love. (4) The Passover
was useless unless eaten; so we live upon the Lord Jesus Christ. (5) It was eaten with bitter herbs,
as we must eat our passover with the bitter herbs of repentance and confession, which yet, like the
bitter herbs of the Passover, are a fitting and natural accompaniment. (6) As the Israelites ate the
Passover all prepared for the journey, so do we with a readiness and desire to enter the active
service of Christ, and to go on the journey toward heaven. --ED.)
From the World Book Encyclopedia
Passover, also called Pesah, is a Jewish festival that celebrates the flight of the Israelites from
Egyptian slavery, probably in the 1200's B.C. The story of Passover is told in the Bible in Chapter
12 of the Book of Exodus. Passover begins in March or April, on the 15th day of the Hebrew
month of Nisan. Most Jews celebrate Passover for eight days, but Jews in Israel, and Reform Jews
in other countries, celebrate it for seven days.
Jews celebrate Passover in their homes at a ceremonial feast called the Seder. At the Seder, the
story of the flight of the Israelites is read from a book called the Haggadah. Foods symbolizing
the flight from Egypt are placed on the table. The most important symbol is unleavened (unraised)
bread called matzo (also spelled matzah). According to the Bible, when the Israelites fled, they
did not have time to let their bread rise. They made flat, unleavened bread instead. Therefore,
Jews eat matzahs instead of leavened bread during Passover.
The word Passover comes from the Biblical story of the 10th plague, which God brought on Egypt
for keeping the Israelites in bondage. The story says God killed the first-born child in every
Egyptian home but passed over the homes of the Israelites. The word Passover also refers to the
passing over of the Israelites from slavery to freedom.
the World Book Encyclopedia
in many European countries call Easter Pascha. This word comes
from the Hebrew word pesah, which
means passover. Jesus was celebrating the Jewish festival of
Passover shortly before He was arrested and
sentenced to be crucified. Passover recalls how God rescued the
Jews from slavery in ancient Egypt. Christians
believe that Easter, like Passover, is a time of rescue. They say
that by His death and Resurrection, Jesus
rescued them from eternal death and punishment for their sins.
The pilgrimage
festivals. In ancient times, Jews were expected to make a
pilgrimage to Jerusalem during three
major festivals--Passover, Shavuot, and Sukkot. Each festival is
associated with the Jews' escape from Egypt and
their journey to Canaan (now Israel).
Passover, or Pesah, comes in March or April and celebrates the
exodus of the Jews from Egypt. Jews observe
Passover at home at a ceremonial feast called the Seder. During
the week of Passover, Jews eat an unleavened
bread called matzah. Shavuot, or Pentecost, comes 50 days after
the beginning of Passover and commemorates the
giving of the Torah to the Jewish people on Mount Sinai. Many
Reform congregations celebrate Shavuot by holding
confirmation ceremonies as well. Sukkot is a harvest festival
that begins five days after Yom Kippur. Jews build
small huts for Sukkot as a reminder of the huts the Israelites
lived in during their wandering in the wilderness.
On the last day of this festival, called Simhat Torah, Jews
celebrate the completion of the yearly reading of the
From Encarta
from Egypt ,
Jewish festival commemorating the exodus of the Hebrews and their
safe flight
across the Red Seaof Exodus, . This flight, described in the Book
was led by Mosesor . The name of the festival
pesach, (Hebrew for passing over protection 12:3-17).) is derived from the
instructions given to Moses by God
(see Exodus). In order to encourage the
Egyptians to allow the Hebrews to leave Egypt intends to , God
smite all
the firstthe -born both man and beast in the land. To protect
themselves, Hebrews are told to mark their
dwellings with lamband 's blood so that God can identify thus
pass over themday . The celebration of the holiday
begins after sundown on the 14th of Nisanvernal , the first month
of the Jewish ecclesiastical year, about the
time of the equinox. In accordance with rabbinic law , Jews
living outside the limits of ancient Palestine celebrate
the holiday for eight days and partake of a ceremonial meal,
known as the Seder, on the first two nights. The
Seder consists of prescribed foods, each of which symbolizes some
aspect of the ordeal undergone by the
Hebrews during their enslavement in Egypt. For example,
horseradish signifies the bitterness of the experience,
and a mixture of chopped nuts and apples in wine symbolizes the
building mortar used by the Hebrews in their
forced labor. During the Seder the narrative of the exodus is
recounted and prayers of thanksgiving are offered
up to God for his loving protection. The readings, songs, and
prayers of the Seder are contained in the Haggada,
copies of which are available for all at the table. Jews living
within the limits of ancient Palestine celebrate
Passover for seven days, conducting a Seder only on the first
night.Throughout the holiday the Orthodox Jew
must abstain from eating leavened bread, substituting unleavened
bread, usually in the form of matzo. These
matzoth recall the unleavened bread eaten by the Hebrews during
their flight because they had no time to prepare
raised bread. Orthodox Jewish tradition prescribes that, during
Passover, meals be prepared and served using sets
of utensils and dishes reserved strictly for that festival.
Here is some information about the
Jewish people and their lifestyle:
Kosher (from Hebrew proper), term meaning
ritually proper for use according to Jewish law. It is applied
to the food that Jews are permitted to eat. According to the
Bible only animals that have cloven hooves and are
ruminant , that is, chew the cud, are considered kosher (see
Deuteronomy 14:3-21). These animals must be killed
according to the traditional rabbinical ritual and soaked,
salted, and washed to remove any traces of blood, Milk
or milk products must not be eaten with meat , and shellfish is
to be avoided. During the festival of Passover , no
leavened bread is to be eaten. Although these dietary regulations
were originally designed to preserve health
standards, they are today for the most part observed only by the
Orthodox Jews.
Religious music making also extends outside
traditional circles. Jewish families customarily have sung a wide
of religious songs outside the core of sacred scriptural texts.
Such songs may be sung at home for the annual
Sabbath observance or to mark annual holidays, particularly the
Passover seder service. In synagogues, over the
centuries, talented poets and musicians have created a large body
of hymns and prayers that extend beyond the
canonical books of the Bible. In European communities, an
especially gifted singer could assume a leadership role
offered by the congregation and star as a solo sacred singer
called a hazzan in Hebrew, or cantor in English.
From the 19th century to the mid-20th century, both in Europe and
among Jewish immigrants in the United
States, opera provided an important model for cantorial
composition and performance.
Special Occasions
events in the life cycle of the Jew also are observed in the
community. At the age of eight days, a
male child is publicly initiated into the covenant of Abraham
through circumcision (berith milah ). Boys reach legal
maturity at the age of 13, when they assume responsibility for
observing all the commandments ( bar mitzvah )
and are called for the first time to read from the Torah in
synagogue. Girls reach maturity at 12 years of age
and, in modern Liberal synagogues, also read from the Torah (bat
mitzvah). In the 19th century, the modernizing
Reform movement instituted the practice of confirmation for both
young men and women of secondary school age.
The ceremony is held on Shabuoth and signifies acceptance of the
faith revealed at Sinai. The next turning point
in a Jew's life is marriage ( kiddushin,sanctification). Even at
the hour of greatest personal joy, Jews recall the
sorrows of their people. The seven wedding benedictions include
petitionary prayers for the rebuilding of
Jerusalem and the return of the Jewish people to Zion. Also, at
the Jewish funeral the hope for resurrection of
the deceased is included in a prayer for the redemption of the
Jewish people as a whole. The pious Jewish male is
buried in his tallith.
biblical literature and cognate archaeological materials provide
the earliest information about the history of
Judaism . Earliest Israel was not monotheistic, but henotheistic:
Worshiping only one God themselves, the
Israelites did not deny the existence of other gods for other
(Hebrew, praise), in Jewish ritual, selection from the Psalms,
chanted as part of the liturgy during certain
festivals. The more frequently used selection includes Psalms
and is known as the Egyptian Hallel,
presumably because Psalm 114 begins, When Israel went
out of Egypt ; it is sung in synagogues on the first two
days of Pesach, or Passover, on Shabuoth, on Sukkot, and on each
morning of the eight days of Hanukkah. An
abridged version is sung on the last six days of Pesach and at
the new moon. The Egyptian Hallel is also sung at
the close of the Seder, the domestic Pesach service, and is,
presumably, the hymn that was sung by Jesus and
his disciples at the end of the Last Supper (see Mark
A second Hallel, the Great Hallel, consists of Psalm
alone; it is sung at Pesach and during Sukkot and recited every
Sabbath. Originally, the Hallel consisted of
either Psalm 113 or Psalm 114; the Psalms now included
in the ritual are later additions, made about AD 160.
Passover on the Net
Passover Web Site and
Matzah Ball Game
The Passover Seder
Virtual Seder Plate
Passover - Holiday Guide
Billy Bear's
Pesach/Passover Page - with games for kids
Manischewitz's Passover
Jewish-American History on the Web presents - Passover celebration by Jewish
soldiers in the Union Army
Learn how to: Celebrate Passover & Conduct a Passover Seder & Hide the Afikomen & Keep Kosher During Passover
& Make Central European Charoset & Make Italian-Style Charoset & Set the Passover Seder Table & Understand
the Significance of Passover's
Symbolic Foods from ""
A Messianic View of the Passover:
Visit Annie's Feasts of the Bible Page
Finding the Messiah in the
Passover: Feasting For
Freedom-Chapter 3
Passover: Why is this night
different since Yeshua observed it?
Seests Celebrate Passover Page
a Passover Email Greeting from Annie's Card Shop
is April 19th - April 26th, 2011~
~Passover actually begins at sundown on the April 18th and ends
at sunset on the 26th~
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