Here are the answers to the trivia questions.
1: True, the Germans created songs such as Silent Night and O
(Oh Christmas Tree).
Question 2: The Christmas card was invented in the Victorian era.
3: There are different opinions about who did invent the
Christmas card. Some
saw John Calcott Horsley, but others say because he was giving
the card to Sir Henry
Cole, since it was his idea, that he invented it.
4: True or False? False, the X in the word X-mas was NOT made
because the
Chinese did not believe in Christ, the X is from Greek letters.
In the Greek letters,
X means Christ.
5: The creator of the candy cane put several qualities into the
candy cane to
remind people about Christ. The J shape for Jesus, and if you
flip it, it looks like a
shepherds hook. The white is for the purity of Jesus, and the red
is for our sins.
6: False, The Christmas tree use to be used to hang small
presents and food,
which the children would play with and eat on Christmas morning.
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