Annie's Presidents Day Just for Kids Page
President's Day will be on: Monday February 15th, 2010
President's Day is always the 3rd Monday in February!

"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and
pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear
from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and
will heal their land."
~2 Chronicles 7:14~


Decorations and Celebration Ideas

President's Day Screen Savers

Patriotism Links

President's Day Family & Kid's Sites President's Day Cursors President's Day Games & Puzzles
Coloring Pages Recipes for the Holiday President's Day Crafts
Other Related Pages by Annie


Decorations and Celebration Ideas:
Add a special item to the dinner menu like CHERRIES to celebrate President Washington. Make a LOG CABIN from those Lincoln Logs. Make construction paper Tall Hats to remember President Lincoln and wear them for dinner

Make a White House from construction paper & boxes.
Make decorations in RED, WHITE & BLUE.

President's Day Screen Savers
Presidential Screensaver

Patriotism Links:
Christians and Patriotism - KIDS' QUESTions
Washington's Farewell Address
George Washington, a Christian- - ChristianAnswers.Net
George Washington the Christian-
White House Page for Kids
The National Anthem and U.S.Flag has a page called
Kid's Corner for Patriotic Holidays Page

President's Day Family & Kid's Sites:
The Idea Box's President's Day Page
Great Sites for Presidents' Day
On the Trail of Lincoln's Life
Getting Acquainted With Washington and Lincoln
Cyber Grandma's President's Day
Family Education Network- Presidents' Day
Presidents' Day from The Teel Family
President's Day -just links but good ones
Presidential Fun Facts
Presidents' Day Page

President's Day Cursors:
To add a heart cursor to your page like I have visit: Live Cursors
You can also add this Washington cursor to your page
by right clicking and choosing
"Set Desktop Cursor".

President's Day Games & Puzzles:
Mr Liberty Maze from Billy Bear
Word Fun - Declaration of Independence
President's Day Quiz
U.S.Presidents Word Search Puzzle
Presidents of the USA Crossword Puzzle
BlackDog's U.S.A. Presidents & BlackDog's U.S.A. States Trivia
Where Would You Be? Activity
Who Is That? Game
The Electoral Vote Game
Positively Presidential Quiz
US Presidents Wordsearch Puzzle (Printout)

Coloring Pages:
Boy carrying American Flag
Massive Online Coloring Pages Links Page

Recipes for the Holiday:

Make sure you have your Mom or Dad help you with the cooking!!!
Celebration POP!sicles
Ice Cream in a Bag
Flag Cake
Barbara Bush's Chocolate Chips
Elizabeth Dole's Pecan Roll Cookies
Pillsbury has Holiday Recipes (They are for Independence Day but you can adapt them for Presidents Day since they are Patriotic.)
Tho-mouse Jefferson's Macaroni & Cheese

Interesting Presidential Trivia:
Did you know that President Thomas Jefferson is credited with bringing macaroni to the US?
Yes!! It is TRUE.
"Thomas Jefferson, the third president, is credited with introducing macaroni to the United States. He brought the first macaroni machine home with him from France, where he served as U.S. Ambassador after the American Revolution." Source: FamilyEducation.Com
The Presidents of These 50 States - a free download

President's Day Crafts:
Hair Fun with Barrettes
Hair Fun with Scrunchies
The Idea Box has
Red-White and Blue IWindsock & Uncle Sam

What is more American than Apple Pie?
Except of course Mom!!!

Click here to get your own cute graphic for your web page from Billy Bear!
You can get a graphic like this one at
Billy Bear's God Bless America Page. They have US Flag Jigsaw
Puzzles and Desktop Wallpaper. There are lots of things to Print Out
and Bookmarks too! Check out
Annie's Flag Day Page
for a listing of all my Patriotic pages!

Other Related Pages by Annie:
Annie's Memorial Day Page
Annie's 4th of July Page
Annie's Flag Day Page
Annie's Veteran's Day Page
President's Day Graphics - Visit: Annie's Holiday Graphics Page
Annie's Election History & Information Page
Annie's Election Day Page
Annie's Inauguration Day Page
Annie's Inauguration TV Specials Page

Other President's Day Pages:
Annie's President's Day Welcome Page
Annie's President's Day Links Page
Annie's Presidential Facts Page
Annie's President's Day Adoptions Page

Annie's Holiday Kids Page - a list of all of my holiday kids pages.
Annie's Memorial Day Kids Page too!

Send a President's Day Card to a Friend:
President's Day

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