Jake's "End Times Game" Page
Breakers are really just Bible Verses written in code. If you
follow the code in the table below then you will be able to read
the Bible verses without getting a Bible to do it. This table
below is the code for all the verses below.
Letter in the code | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | A |
Letter it stands for | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Verses below are in King James Version~
Cvu pg uibu ebz boe ipvs lopxfui op nbo, op, opu uif bohfmt pg ifbwfo, cvu nz Gbuifr pomz.
Nbuuifx 24:36
Boe uibu op nbo njhiu cvz ps tfmm, tbwf if ibe uif nbsl ps uif obnf pg uif cfbtu, ps uif ovncfs pg ijt obnf.
Sfwfmbujpo 13:17
Boe b njhiuz bohfm uppl vq b tupof mjlf b hsfbu njmmtupof, boe dbtu ju joup uif tfb, tbzjoh, Uivt xjui wjpmfodf tibmm uibu hsfbu djuz Cbczmpo cf uispxo epxo, boe tibmm cf gpvoe op npsf bu bmm.
Sfwfmbujpo 18:21
Jnnfejbufmz bgufs uif usjcvmbujpo pg uiptf ebzt tibmm uif tvo cf ebslfofe, boe uif nppo tibmm opu hjwf ifs mjhiu, boe hif tubst tibmm gbmm gspn ifbwfo, boe uif qpxfst pg uif ifbwfot tibmm cf tiblfm:
Nbuuifx 24:29
Mfu op nbo efdfjwf zpv cz boz nfbot; gps tibu ebz tibmm opu dpnf, fydfqu uifsf dpnf b gbmmjoh bxbz gjstu, boe uibu nbo pg tjo cf sfwfbmfe, uif tpo pg qfsejujpo; Xip pqqptfui boe fybmufui ijntfmg bcpwf bmm uibu jt dbmmfe Hpe, pq uibu jt xpstijqqfe; tp uibu if bt Hpe tjuufui jo uif ufnqmf pg Hpe, tipxjoh ijntfmg uibu if jt Hpe. Boe uifo tibmm uibu xjdlfe cf sfwfbmfe, xipn uif Mpse tibmm dpotvnf xjui uif tqjsju pg ijt npvui, boe tibmm eftuspz xjui uif csjhiuoftt pg ijt dpnjoh: Fwfo ijn, xiptf dpnjoh jt bgufs uif xpsljoh pg Tbubo xjui bmm qpxfs boe tjhot boe mzjoh xpoeffst.
2 Uifttbnpojbot 2:3,4,8,9
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